Virtualization Means Accessing Game-Changing Tools for Your Business

June 20, 2017

Virtualized technology services are great assets for businesses with limited budgets. Three of the best ways that your organization can take advantage of cloud computing and virtualization services are Software as a Service (SaaS), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and hardware virtualization.

Software as a Service (SaaS)
More businesses than ever are taking advantage of cloud-hosted software that’s dynamic in scope and practicality. It’s software like this that has allowed SMBs to grow and accomplish things that might not have been possible otherwise. Examples of software as a service include Microsoft Office 365 and Google’s G-Suite, but any software solution that is paid for on a monthly basis through the use of a subscription qualifies as SaaS. Since these payments are smaller than purchasing full-fledged licenses of software, SaaS is ideal for SMBs with smaller budgets.

Virtualized Telephone Solutions (VoIP)
Virtual telephony solutions are great for the express purpose that they can be used on different devices, and most Internet-connected devices can access these VoIP solutions via the cloud. This means that as long as you have a smartphone, desktop, or laptop that’s connected to the Internet, you’ll have access to your company’s telephone number.

Hardware Virtualization 
Managing an entire network of servers and other components can be challenging for an organization that doesn’t have an in-house IT department. This is why many businesses are choosing to outsource their hardware management through a virtualization service. This allows for servers to be consolidated and hosted in a virtual environment, where they need less maintenance, require fewer resources to operate, and can be accessed via the cloud. Furthermore, hardware virtualization allows your organization to simplify its network.

Does your business want to take advantage of virtualization services to get the leg up on your competition? If so, reach out to CTN Solutions. We have the technical skills and expertise required to help your business get the most out of new and innovative technology solutions. To learn more, call us at (610) 828- 5500.

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