Technology is Helping to Build Better Employee Engagement

January 24, 2019

An engaged employee will be invested in the future of your company, as well as their own future that they can see within your business. Unfortunately, research showcases that the numbers don’t look so bright for employee engagement in the workplace. According to a 2015 poll from Gallup, only about 30% of employees find themselves engaged in the workplace, while about 50% say they aren’t engaged with their work, and 20% claim to be actively disengaged by their workplace.

Employee engagement in the workplace has always been a tricky thing to master, and no business can get it done perfectly, as not all employees react the same way to stimulating factors. However, we can point you in the right direction. Here are three kinds of technology you can use to build employee engagement in the workplace, as well as foster an attitude that will help them stay as productive as possible while working.

Digital Signage
Perhaps you’ve been to an office recently where there are monitors on the wall filled with all kinds of statistics, reminders, or directions to certain locations within the office. You might even have seen them in restaurants displaying a menu or current deals. These monitors are a type of digital signage which can be used to help your employees stay on track with certain projects, be aware of deadlines or specific dates, and take note of important key performance indicators throughout the workday.

In particular, it might be helpful to inspire your employees to perform more efficiently. It can be just enough to create a little bit of friendly competition. You can then use this to offer incentives to employees who meet certain thresholds or levels of productivity.

Bring Your Own Device
It’s a fact that some employees just work better when they are using their own devices. This could be for a plethora of reasons. Perhaps they are using technology they are unfamiliar with because it’s offered by the company. Maybe they simply don’t like to use devices provided by the company because their own devices are seen as superior. Regardless the reason, you can create a Bring Your Own Device policy to help your employees stay engaged and efficient with their time.

Of course, you’ll also be facing the downsides of this concept in the potential for wasted time and security issues. It’s up to you to build out a policy that doesn’t become a detriment to your business.

Cloud-Based Communications
Employees are more productive when they feel involved in their work. To this end, collaboration is critical, and the cloud makes this easier than ever before. Your employees can collaborate in real time on various applications so that they can feel like their feedback is valued by their teammates.

CTN Solutions can help your business implement technology solutions that can help you build employee engagement while improving operations as a whole. To learn more, reach out to us at (610) 828- 5500.

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