Cloud Security

December 4, 2014

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_security_400.jpgA lot of people have questions about the cloud. Where is it? What does it do? How can I use the cloud to give my business an edge over competitors? One of the most important questions business leaders are asking; how can I be sure that my company’s data is secure?

The Ponemon Institute’s Security of Cloud Computing Study has some frightening statistics about cloud security. According to them many businesses that are using second rate cloud services are putting their data at an incredible risk.


As seen in the chart above end users share far too much of the responsibility in the security of the cloud. Most users are not IT professionals and this creates a gap in security. Information like this shows the importance of having an experienced, responsible and secure provider for your Cloud solution. CTN Solutions and the companies we partner with to provide Cloud service, offer the following security measures:

  • Audited regularly to support your compliance reporting
  • Enterprise-class backup, retention, and logging
  • Optional 2 factor authentication
  • Multiple disaster recovery options
  • SOC1 Compliance
  • SSAE16 Type II certified for all IT operations

The cloud is an amazing tool that will inevitably be a part of business in the future but when deployed incorrectly can leave a business vulnerable. CTN offers a cost effective and easily deployable Cloud solution that is both accessible from anywhere and most importantly, keeps your business safe and secure.

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(610) 828- 5500

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