au·dit/ noun/: a systematic review or assessment of something

October 1, 2014

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_audit_400.jpgAre you confident that your company’s network is 100 percent secure? The best way to answer “yes” to this question is with a network audit. This is a technical procedure where IT professionals analyze every nook and cranny of your system, looking for every possible vulnerability. No matter what the situation is with your company’s IT management, a network audit is worth doing.

What If I Use Another IT Provider?
A thorough network audit is a specialty service from CTN Solutions. Now, you might be hesitant to reach out to us about an audit because you may have an in-house IT department or a different IT provider that oversees your network security. However, when it comes to something as important as the security of your network, calling in reinforcements is always a good idea.

Simply put, it’s about how much you value your company’s network security. Gaining more knowledge about the security of your network will be a tremendous value to your business. With our thorough network security audit, we can find vulnerabilities missed by other IT providers. It’s a classic case of benefiting from having more eyes and more experts on a problem.

If we find a vulnerability that your incumbent IT provider overlooked, then you’ll be thankful for the backup and the prevention of a major data breach. If we discover that your current IT provider has you well protected, then you will gain confidence in your IT team. Either way, you can’t lose with a network audit from CTN Solutions.

What Do We Look For in a Network Audit?
With a network audit from CTN Solutions, we map out and analyze your network and discover where your business’s infrastructure needs the most work. We then recommend the best solutions for the your security needs. When we audit your network, we’re essentially going in and asking several different questions:

  • Are your firewalls active and effective?
  • Are your firewalls keeping dangerous entities from worming their way into your systems?
  • Is your antivirus software up-to-date on the latest threats?
  • Is your antivirus powerful enough to identify the sneakiest of malware?
  • Is spam a constant issue for you, and are phishing attacks a day-to-day occurrence?
  • Is your business vulnerable through its wireless access points?
  • Is your business using the latest versions of all software and applications used?
  • Is your business prepared to defend against them with the latest security updates?
  • Is your operating system up to date and secured against the latest threats?
  • Just how vulnerable is your business’s network to outside threats?
  • How likely it is that you will be targeted and exploited by external threats, and how can you protect against them?
  • Does your business have the proper IT protocol necessary to ensure you are following quality security procedures with your technology?
  • During a network audit from CTN Solutions, these questions and more are all thoroughly investigated.

Is This Something You Can Put Off?
No. As a business owner, you have an obligation to keep your information safe from prying eyes, especially if you work with personal or sensitive information, such as emails, credit card numbers, or Social Security numbers. You want your business to stay as compliant as possible with modern security standards, and CTN Solutions can help you identify where you should pool your resources and shore up your defenses.

To book your network security audit today, give us a call at (610) 828- 5500.

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(610) 828- 5500

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