3 Vendor Scenarios You Can Do Without

October 27, 2015

b2ap3_thumbnail_vendor_agreements_400.jpgVendors can be a hassle. You need their product or service to keep the gears of business turning, but sometimes, having to deal with vendors can be way too time-consuming. This is where our vendor management service comes in.

With CTN Solutions on your side, we can handle all technology vendors for you so that you don’t have to. This is what it looks like to have a “single point of contact” for any and all of your technology-related needs. Imagine not having to deal with these three common technology vendor annoyances.

Vendor Acquisitions
The speed of business moves rapidly. Sometimes a vendor will go out of business, requiring you to find a new supplier. Other times, a vendor might get acquired by another company and your account will get mishandled in the transition. At the end of the day, you don’t much care who bought out who and which company folded up; all you care about is keeping your business supplied with working hardware and supported software.

Instead of having to be bothered by business moves that are outside of your control, let us coordinate your accounts to find you new, trustworthy vendors that best suit your needs.

Drama with Your Vendor Account Manager
Have you ever dealt with a vendor point of contact that just happens to rub you the wrong way? Maybe they have a poor attitude, or maybe you’ve had a major disagreement with them in the past over-billing. Then there are some companies which seem to have a revolving door when it comes to their point of contact, which means that you’ve got to explain the particulars of your business to a new account manager way too often.

CTN Solutions can relieve this vendor drama by working with technology vendors on your behalf. One way that we do this is by taking the time to learn the intricacies of your business and what your needs are, which effectively makes us a liaison for your company’s technology needs.

When You Experience Problems with Mission-Critical Technology Services
When you experience a problem with a mission-critical technology service like your Internet connection or cloud hosting service, it’s on you to drop everything and call the vendor to get the situation resolved. TechRepublic offers this scenario which you may have experienced:

You consign a major system to a cloud-based vendor because the vendor has a reputation for being reliable and best in class—then the vendor has a failure that puts all your users offline and has a dire impact on your company’s business.

When dealing with nightmare scenarios such as this, you’re going to want a professional on the phone representing you. You need someone in your corner that’s knowledgeable enough about technology to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. At CTN Solutions, we deal with technology service vendors all the time and we know what it takes to get your company back online.

Alternatively, you could handle these frustrating vendor issues on your own. But why would you if you don’t have to? Call us today at (610) 828- 5500 to have us be your single point of contact for all of your company’s technology needs.

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